An Orthodox wedding...

Despite the crowns on their heads - they are indeed at a very Orthodox wedding. Recently, the team attended a Russian Orthodox wedding in the Orthodox Church in Harold's Cross. The ceremony was very unusual for Dublin, if only because it was held on a Sunday!
Tim and Ciara had a huge and enthusiastic turn out from the Irish Georgian community in Dublin. The Wedding began with a wonderful service lead by the celebrant Father Gregoriou, who sang throughout the ceremony accompanied by a trio of singers.
There were several stages to the ceremony; the lighting of the candles by the couple, the placing of crowns on their heads, then the priest leads them around the Gospel Books three times, before the couple hold Icons and then they receive Holy Communion. It was a very prayerful service.
After the ceremony finished, all the guests queued up inside the church to greet the bride and groom, who stood and received all their guests at the Altar. This is very unlike an Irish wedding, where everyone meets outside and around the door of the Church.
The Ceremony was followed by a great celebration, with everyone who attended invited along to a party in the community hall at the rear of the Church - complete with refreshments, traditional Georgian food, a wedding cake and traditional Georgian Dancing.... it was a wonderful ceremony, and for us, a culturally interesting afternoon too!

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