Nuptual Celebrant....

He was surprised until I explained it is particularly difficult for divorced people in Ireland who are from Roman Catholic or Church of Ireland backgrounds as some Parishes won't even bless their unions. My friend immediately said he'd happily do a Christian ceremony and arrange the wedding registration if any one was stuck in this situation and wanted it.
Of course, there are other alternatives: I've done a couple of humanist weddings, which are nice and also I regularly attend weddings in the Unitarian Church in St Stephens Green. The Unitarians appear to do a lot of Weddings every month - far more than a congregation of under a 1,000 would be expected to do! I'm told the popularity of this option makes booking quite difficult to find an available day. They also ask for a minimum donation - which is very modest given the location and the lovely surroundings - but steep for a person on a average salary.
As my friend is ordained, married and still in his thirties with a theological degree from from Trinity College in Dublin - he is ideal for the task! So if you've found yourself, or know of others in this position and are interested, email me I'll pass on your details and you can get in touch. His only big stipulation is that he meets you both... which shouldn't be difficult since you're getting married!!!!
Labels: celebrant, divorced, Dublin, Ireland, priest, remarriage, Roman Catholic, unitarian church
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