Aisle Do!

This the blog of a professional wedding photographer based in Dublin, Ireland.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is WWW for World Wide Wedding????

Lights! Camera! Action! Rolling.....

Webcast your wedding! This is ideal for the Aunt you would like to snub, the friends who can't stand each other, the brother or sister who couldn't get themselves a flight home for your big day....

It could be more serious like your Nan is in Hospital or just that your work mates can't leave their desks and shut the company for the day....

Whatever your reasons, for only $395 you can use the power of the internet to bring your wedding to PCs around the world through

All you need to supply is:
  • A video camera (digital with fire wire is best)
  • A computer (a laptop with fire wire is best)
  • A high speed Internet connection
  • Also any necessary cables to connect all of your equipment
Certainly it could work in the Dublin area, especially with Clearwire offering a portable internet connection modem thingy. I suppose you could set up the lap top and internet connection in the Church grounds and wire up the camera to the PC and your big day really can be out there!!!!


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