Aisle Do!

This the blog of a professional wedding photographer based in Dublin, Ireland.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What do you think of this cake?

Ok, it is not so big on the chocolate - most of the Wedding cakes featured here I recently noticed tend to covered in chocolate - not sure why! Well this is a bit more traditional. Well traditional in a different way....

This was a Christmas cake bought in the local Lidl shop on the way to the wedding and it became the centrepiece to Miriam's wedding last weekend. She had vowed not to have a wedding cake; but her guests ignored her, as they felt there would be a a gap in the wedding photos and so they brought this along so she could get her photos!

The M&Ms were added for colour because it was Miriam and Marks big day - so the M&M theme seemed appropriate; a big thanks goes to Sitha and Tom for getting it organised in secret.


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