Aisle Do!

This the blog of a professional wedding photographer based in Dublin, Ireland.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

You want it THAT big?????

I'm thinking photo prints here; you can get very large prints from my photos - I've a 80 by 50 cm at the moment waiting for some one to pick up it's been here for a while now....

People often ask can someone print from the CDs or DVDs I supply of pictures and the answer is - yes - they've been sized for a very high quality print at A4 in size. The reason I do it at that size is to keep them to a reasonable size on the disks.

I also do prints up to A0 (roughly 3 feet by 4 feet in old money, and will easily fit the wall in your hall.... ) on canvas or metallic finish paper and even framed.

Inevitably to people who are not involved a photo that size could be viewed as being a bit "Beckhamesque" if it is just you getting ready for your big day - but not unreasonable if it is that picture of you both coming down the aisle!


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