As pretty as this snowy weather is, it has us stuck indoors and thinking about New Year Resolutions! The usual one of eating less crunchies and drinking less wine to achieve the perfect figure has been made but more importantly for all my brides and grooms, the promise to keep our blog up to date again.
We realise we havent kept you entertained as much as we should have in the last 2 years and 2010 is a good time to get back to it again.
We at Couple photography have had a busy two years of weddings and are still booking alot more for 2010 and 2011. We must be doing something right.
We are still trying to create stunning unique images for each couple. Here's a picture from our last wedding which kept the couple fit climbing up the narrow sprial staircase while we were below annoying the waiter who kept passing from the kitchen to the guests with the finger food. But I explained to him,
it was art!!! and had to be done.