Rant on new book....

I was flicking through Sarah Traynors "How to Have a Champagne Wedding on a Buck's Fizz Budget" (and yes, I'm refusing to link to it!). I was not impressed with her "money saving tips" - I just didn't see them as being practical...
For example; if you've just spent €600 on a wonderfully iced cake which is after all, the centre piece of your reception - why not spend the extra €50 on getting it delivered? If you are delivering the cake to the hotel and that €600 cake falls in the car, or you trip or drop it because you are in a rush - it's your problem. If they drop it they need to fix it and anyway they are used to carrying cakes you're not! For the sake of a small saving the risk seems excessive. She also mentions about using a student photographer; I would really advise you to think carefully about this... they're just learning and you won't see the results until it is definitely too late!
Don't get me started on the idea of using silver wedding bands, that is plain daft! A proper gold ring can cost as little as €50 - if you are so stuck for cash to seriously consider this "tip" maybe you should reconsider getting married and spend the license fee on a nice meal for the two of you.
All in all; the book seemed less Bucks Fizz and more Sqeez breakfast orange juice.... try and follow it and it'll end in tears!